What You Use Scooters For, Part 2

We asked around again to find out how exactly you, our customers, use your scooters. Here are six of the responses!

Warren, Sydney

I’m very happy to share a typical scooter day!

  1. Eat breakfast while sitting outside next to my fishpond with my lovely wife.

  2. Ride my Tesla 10 minutes to the local library where I’ll pester an assistant there to help me find an obscure tome.

  3. Order a coffee and friand from my favourite patisserie, sitting in the sun reading

  4. Trundle back home where I bore the wife with ruminations on said obscure tome

  5. Correspond electronically with old friends who are now sadly dispersed around the country

  6. Go on a late afternoon ‘walk’ to the park where the wife will chat to dog owners

  7. Spend a pleasant evening watching Rumpole of the Bailey and other ancient television shows

Thank you Scooters Australia!

Shelley, Brisbane

I have been to many places now with my Luggie Scooter. I visit my daughter in Perth and son in Sydney. And two months ago when my grandchildren came up to Brisbane I was able to keep up with them. My favourite thing about the Luggie is it makes me feel young again.

Mary, Melbourne

I never usually like buying second hand but due to unforseen circumstances I had to save the money. A kind young man helped me choose a suitable one and despite my concerns everything worked out fine. Aside from a few rattles the scooter goes well. I use it for my grocery shopping and for going to the park mostly. It doesn’t fit in my car, but when my son visits he can take it apart (takes a few minutes, the parts are heavy), and he is kind enough to take me to the beach even though it’s a long drive.

Julian, Sydney

I own two scooters. One is foldable and stays in my car. The other is larger and it comes out on the weekends when I want to get some good outdoors time. I still work as a professional at a university, so my continued mobility is very much appreciated.

Edith, Central Coast

Two times a week I ride my scooter 15 minutes to my local community centre where I help sort through our donations bin. I also enjoy a coffee down by the water on occasion. My scooter was purchased in 2015 and thankfully it is still running well, with one service during that time.

Pearl, Melbourne

Apart from the hair-raising descent down my steep driveway, everything about the scooter goes smoothly. I go to the shops, I wave hello to my neighbours as I pass them, I sit in the park and watch the dogs (some of them even come and say hello despite my scary-looking ride). Every time I go out with my husband Eric we are able to remember just a little bit what it’s like to be young. And he is still the perfect gentleman, giving me a hand when I need to transfer from the scooter to a seat or park bench.

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