Mobility Scooters and Online Shopping

Yes, clicking that big shiny Buy Button is exhilarating, cathartic, soothing, sometimes terrifying. But when it comes to mobility scooters and powerchairs, it's a no-no.

Choosing your mobility scooter or powerchair depends on many things: preference, disability, terrain, uses, and more. A few extra kilos on that portable scooter you were e-coveting could be the difference between lifting it in to the boot yourself, and needing to install a mechanical hoist to do it for you.

That bumpy footpath near your house? On one model of scooter, it feels like a 9 on the Richter scale, but like velvet on another. These are real quality of life differences.

So what should you do about it?

Try before you buy.

Whether it’s at a showroomin the comfort of your own home, with the aid of a health professional, or even at your mate’s house who just bought one the other week, get yourself on one and see if you like it. Making the right choice becomes so much easier.

Yes, it is true that some on-line retailers have a return policy, but you are likely to be whacked with delivery costs (which, given the size of the product, are not cheap), and have to unpack and assemble it yourself. Besides, playing scooter lucky dip can take a while if you’re buying and returning until you find the right one.

If you buy with us (and we do sell over the phone, as well as a limited segment of our range here), you’ll get two extra things that on-line retailers can’t give:

1. Safety Training.

Includes safety and maintenance. We’ll run you through the ins and outs, address any issues you might encounter in your local environment, and even make small mechanical tweaks.

2. After-sales service

We guarantee to service all scooters that we sell, including chasing up the necessary part, and driving out to you. Online retailers typically don’t have their own service coverage, and you’ll need to send your scooter back to them (more delivery costs!) and wait for them to get it back to you. Yawn.

And if you need professional advice from a Health Professional, we can help with a co-ordinated home demonstration that uses their strengths and our expertise.

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